Home Is What You Make It <360 Experiment> from Carl Frey on Vimeo.
This panoramic video by Carl Frey and David Kiss uses a very interesting technique and contraption which as they describe 'consists of four angled mirrors and four configuration plates, each covering a 90 degree view. We then mounted four HVX200 cameras to the plates, which shot upwards into the mirrors and captured the surrounding environment into separate files'.

images by Carl Frey
Single Sunset by James Rossa O'Hare
We have recently been experimenting with panoramas and slitscan techniques. The above is an interactive slitscan shot of a Dublin Sunrise taken over 3 hours - scroll over with your mouse to rise the sun. We have been looking at the work of Adam Magyar using slitscan techniques and we also interested by this footage of Varanasi in India (misnamed Calcutta) taken in 1899. In this shot of a boat going down the Ganges, a panorama of the ghats passes through the field of vision of the camera.
Similarly in Magyar's work it is time which is recorded passing by the camera - as he writes about his project 'Urban Flows':
a fraction of a moment is recorded through a 1-pixel wide slit...the time and space slices recorded this way and placed right next to each other generate an image without a perspective; it is the passing of time itself which turns into space...'

detail of Urban Flow
Other techniques we have been looking at include the stitching together of multiple pieces of footage resulting in a a form of panoramic video. This one by Antoin Doyle records 10 of the 14 gates into Dublin's Stephens Green Park.
Stephen's Green 1 from Antóin Doyle on Vimeo.
Similarly - this collage technique has been used by James Rossa to create a panoramic view of Powerscourt Waterfall in Wicklow.Powerscourt Waterfall by James Rossa O'Hare